Friday, May 15, 2009

PhotoHunt: Painted

Tabby writes:

Last summer, I painted a canvas bag with my pawprints! It was really fun! There was a fundraiser/birthday party/carnival, and one of the booths was making the bags. The volunteers sponged yellow non-toxic fabric paint on one of my paws, and pressed it down onto the bag. I helped by flexing my paw as it touched the bag! I made a few impressions, then they washed off the paint with a rag. We repeated it with a light green for a few pawprints, then washed that off too.

Mommy has the bag, but it's too big for the scanner, so we'll just put the link to the picture the carnival organizers took. You can see it here!


ZOOLATRY said...

That is way too cool. The human here says she's going to try that with us so she'll have a

BooBoo said...

Hmm, I've heard of bags with cat decorations, but not of cats decorating bags!

The Island Cats said...

Wow, that musta been fun! You did a good job!

Sweet Purrfections said...

That's a very cool bag!

srp said...

What a lovely job you did, too! I know your Mom really loves it!
Mine is up here.

Mariposa said...

How cool!!!

NitWit1 said...

How original!!Wonder if I could get my dog, Luckie, to do this without messing up my carpet/

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