Little Bit writes:
Today's my 8th purrthday, and my sister Smokey's as well! Smokey lives with Mommy Erin and is celebrating with her today. We were born in SE Portland to a sweet black kitty named Boo-Boo. She and our cousin Starla (Boo-Boo's sister's kitten) belonged to neighbors two doors down from the house that my purrents lived in then. Boo-Boo and Starla used to go over to eat with the ferals in their yard, so they brought us over as soon as we were able. We had another littermate sister, Baby Chiba, but she got eaten by our people's puppy when she was a kitten.
My dad-cat is Spongebob, who lived with a neighbor across the street. He's a huge Maine Coon! No one knows for sure who Smokey's dad-cat is, and Baby Chiba's dad-cat was Outdoor Fluffy Buddy. She looked like his "mini-me"!
From left to right on the porch: Starla, Little Bit, Smokey From left to right on the steps: Outdoor Fluffy Buddy, Boo-Boo Kitty Summer 2008 |
Baby Chiba and Starla Summer 2008 |
Little Bit Summer 2008 |
Smokey Summer 2008 |