Thursday, April 30, 2015

Catching Some Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
Well, it's the end of the A to Z Challenge!  We're glad that we had this opportunity, and what a fun challenge and month this has been!  We hope you've enjoyed it as much as we have!  Now it's time for some well-deserved rest.

Rori and her brother Knut as kittens


Rori as a kitten and Auntie Lydia, with Tabby by the dresser

Spooky 1 and Carbon

Little Bit's kittens:  Cloud, with Squishy and Kai (and Tiger's paw)


Kai on Mommy's neck




Little Bit

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tigress writes:

Yes, this really is me on the computer desk!  I'm now comfortable being up here, unless Mommy is going to use the computer.  I even get up here when she's sitting in the chair here, now!  And, I gave her a nose-kiss a couple weeks ago, the first ever!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

What's an "x"-eption?  Mommy says we have to make one for her, and we hope you will, too.  Today was an "x"-eptionally busy day for her, so she forgot to do our "x" post until now!  Sorry!  What, Mommy?  It's spelled "exception"?  Oh, ok!

None of us here have had an x-ray, which was what we were going to blog about today if Mommy had written it for us on time.  Auntie Lydia had one once on her intestines, and another one on her teeth.  She had something called stomatitis, where her body was literally dissolving her own teeth!  It's some kind of common autoimmune disease for cats, and can be prevented or at least lessened by regular brushing and seeing the vet for dentals.  She had to have all her teeth pulled!  She did just fine after that, though, and even ate crunchies after her mouth healed.  We're glad the x-rays helped the vets figure out the problem so they could help her.

Monday, April 27, 2015

When We Were Very Young....
Get ready for cute baby kitten pics, because this is what we looked like when we were very young!  (Yes, A.A. Milne is one of Mommy's favorite authors.)

Carbon and Tabby, Summer 2005
Tabby and Rori, Fall 2007

Tabby and Knut (Rori's brother), Fall 2007

Spooky 1, Fall 2007
Baby Chiba (Little Bit's sister), Spring 2008

Starla, Spring 2009

Smokey (Little Bit's sister), Winter 2008

Little Bit, Winter 2008
Little Bit with her boys (Squishy, Kai, Tiger, and Cloud), Spring 2009

Carbon with Little Bit's baby sisters (Boo and Michelle), Spring 2009
Baby-Tuxie, Summer 2009

Baby-Dot, Summer 2009
Spooky 2, Fall 2009
Freya and Heimdall, Summer 2010
Tigress, Summer 2011

Leopard (the feral kittens' mom), Hemming, Miss Marble, their brother, Summer 2011

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Our Favorite Views
Rori admiring the view out the front window of the Portland house

Spooky 2 and Little Bit watching Baby Possum at our current house

Heimdall, Freya, and Daddy surfing the internet when the kittens were babies

Our backyard here

Tabby sees the Christmas tree in Pioneer Courthouse Square in Portland every December

Little Bit and one of the twins watching Tuxie watch them

Freya's first experience with a coffee machine

Freya watching JJ take a bath in green-colored water from a dino bath fizz

Tabby loves the views from her stroller

R.K. and her siblings, viewed from our back door

Tabby and Heimdall watching Leopard

The ducks that Tabby sees in the marsh all the time as she rides home

The view out our back door when we lived in Portland (Starla, Baby Chiba, Little Bit, Smokey, and Boo-Boo Kitty)

A grasshopper that landed on Tabby's stroller one day while she was out visiting

Tabby sees this bronze statue in Pioneer Square in Portland when she goes to ride the MAX light rail there

All of us (or at least most of us) viewing Sherbet close-up for the first time (Heimdall, Freya, Panther, Carbon, Autumn, Tabby, and Little Bit's up on the box under the table)

Friday, April 24, 2015


Carbon under the blinds at our house in Portland

Squishy (one of Little Bit's kids) under the blinds, trying to imitate Uncle Carbon

Kai (one of Little Bit's kids) under a scarf at his new mommy's house just after adoption
Rori under ponies just after we moved to our current house

Starla under the big chair (with Spooky 2 up top and Skylar in the middle)

Carbon under chart paper just after we moved
Rori being a bed lump

Rori and her brother Knut as kittens at our old house, in the basket under the stroller

Rori under the table but on the chair
Miss Marble under the chair (and one of the twins on it)

Tabby:  Get off of me, Little Bit!

Heimdall checking out Tigress
Freya under the covers

Panther thinking he's hiding under the table

Tigress under a chair

Knut under a blanket at his new mommy's house

Missy under wrapping paper

Sherbet under Daddy's dresser