Friday, June 19, 2009

International Box Day!

This post is dedicated to International Box Day! We love, love, LOVE our boxes here at the green house! Mommy is an independent Avon sales rep., so we get boxes every two weeks. Yay! In addition, sometimes we get surprise boxes from things Mommy and Daddy buy, or at holidays (like Christmas and birthdays). So here are some of our box pictures, past and present, with captions below each picture.

Little Bit and babies in their box on their first day as fosters.

Little Bit's babies on their first day as fosters.

Little Boo today playing in a box she found.

Rori on Avon delivery day.

Carbon on Avon delivery day.

Skylar taking catnip-scented tissue paper out of Carbon's Christmas box, December 2007.

Foster kitten Spooky asleep, 2007. He loved to sleep this way!

Foster kitten Spooky discovered after he climbed into the empty laundry basket through the handle holes! Early 2008. Picture of Trailer Kitties, a Breed Unknown cat on Catster

Carbon on the Trailer Kitties' Christmas package, Dec. 2007. Picture of Tabby (Tabitha), a Domestic Shorthair/American Shorthair cat on Catster

Tabby and Lydia with their Christmas box, Dec. 2006. Picture of Tabby (Tabitha), a Domestic Shorthair/American Shorthair cat on Catster

Tabby investigating the Christmas box and contents, Dec. 2006. Picture of Lydia (10-26-99 to 10-13-08), a Domestic Shorthair cat on Catster

Lydia choosing her favorite toy out of the Christmas box, Dec. 2006.


Katiez Furry Mewz said...

What fun and happy fotohz!! Mahm helped a kitty named Little Bit once (1994). Pleez remember hur. She wasn't so lucky as your baby mama.

After Mahm found homes for all her kittens, she gave her to a family dat sent her to the "humane society" pregnant... (da family had promised to spay her). Dat plase put her ta sleeps and all her babies died too. This Humane Society has now changed management and is a no kill shelter.

We iz purrin fur your kittens ta finds goods homes. Pleez pur fur Daisy's babies too!

Katie Kat

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Spooky looks like Spunky when him was a baby!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You've got lots of great boxes. We like the way Spooky sleeps.They are all cute pictures specially Little Bit and her babies.

Parker said...

Those are all great boxes!

Cory said...

What great box pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

WOWZA! Youz gotz lotz of boxes picturez! We need ta have our momma put out more of those fur us! Cool photoz☺

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Kits in a box!!! How perfect!!!!

ZOOLATRY said...

Gosh, you've got so many different boxes: all kinds and sizes and shapes. We are wondering if we can come over and play in them sometime?
And they are just perfect for those little bebee kits, adorable.
Happy Box Day to all of you from both of us!

CCL Wendy said...

Boxes sure do have lotsa uses, including housing entire kitty furmilies! They're good for more than just sitting in -- how wonderful!

Rusty said...

You guys got LOTS of box pictures! Boxes are a good place to keep a mommie kitty and her babies too.

The Florida Furkids said...

You've got loads of great box pictures!!

Happy International Box Day!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Island Cats said...

Lots of boxes for all of you!!!