Monday, June 28, 2010

Mancat Monday Poll: Where do you hang out when it's hot?

Skylar has recently started to hang out in the bathtub when it's hot!  The tub stays cool, because it's formica, and there's often some water left over from showers.  It's a great place to be when temps are above 80!

So, where do you like to hang out when it's hot?


Kea said...

Our human doesn't know where we hide out during the day when she's off hunting, and we aren't telling. But when she's home and we go out into our enclosed back space, we'll hide under the hostas-on-steroids, because they're HUGE and it's so nice and cool underneath!

Marg said...

We like to hang out in the bathtub too. But we also get over the AC vents or stay outside in the woods. But the bathtub is a great choice Skylar.
Have a great week.

Sparkle said...

We hang out under the bed - it's actually pretty cool there!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think the tub is a very good idea. We just go downstairs, which rarely gets too warm and we lay on the bricks in front of the fireplace which hold the cool air.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We lie outdoors under the bushes mostly.

The Island Cats said...

I like to lay on the feels cool!


meowmeowmans said...

Our kitties like to lay on the cool tile floors when it's hot.