Tabby writes:
Wow, you mean it's my 9th birthday? I love my birthday! It means I get extra treats and snuggles. I've been doing a lot of things that I haven't had time to write about.
On May 10th, Mommy took me to the Doggie Dash again. Other than one doggie I hissed at because it wanted to share my stroller and one that was being too aggressive, nobody bothered me. Oh, they sniffed, wanted to play, and even cleaned my ears, but they were all very nice about it. Here are a few pics from the day, including a table I found to relax on and a puppy that Mommy liked.
I also went visiting to H. on May 21st and C. on May 22nd. I had a wonderful time visiting with all my friends at both places, and even got my own announcer at C.! One of the nurses went into all the rooms to ask each resident on the floor if they wanted to visit with me, then reported back to Mommy who wanted visits and who didn't. Mommy and I then went to see each friend who wanted to see me, and reported to the activity people who we saw and how they were when we saw them. It was fun to have an announcer! I'm starting to get the routine at C. I even wanted to walk on my leash part of the way.

I had an extra-special visit with one of my friends who also was one of Mommy's friends from the church she used to attend. I visited with Liz Norcross, the lady in the picture, at the end of May. Mommy took this picture of us together and gave Liz a copy of it. Liz showed it to me, but I was more interested in snuggling with her and being petted than I was in the picture, which made her giggle! I snuggled while she petted me and talked with Mommy, whom she knew for around 10 years. Liz passed away soon after our visit, although at the time we didn't know how close she was to passing. I'm sure she is surrounded by her dogs and cats that she had all her life, as well as those human friends who had gone before her to Heaven. We love you and miss you, Liz Norcross!
I'm going to have a great birthday today, running around with Little Bit, snuggling in my nest on the table (towels put there especially for me), and getting pets and snuggles from Daddy, Mommy, and Grandma. Yay!