Happy New Year! My purrents say it's been the new year for a few weeks now, but this is my first note since it became 2013. We're back to visiting! I got to cheer up people on the bus on the way to H. on Wednesday, as usual, and heard a lot of cat stories. I took a nap on the MAX light-rail train, except for once when someone wanted to pet me.
I wore my new NurtureCALM 24/7 Feline Calming Pheromone Collar
All I wanted to do at H. was snuggle and sleep. Mommy was a little embarrassed about that, because usually I want to interact more with my friends. It was so cold outside, plus it had snowed on Monday, so it felt like the perfect day to snooze! I curled up on beds right next to my friends' legs to show them I was there, and they petted me while I snuggled. One lady had a nice, plush robe on, and was sitting in a recliner. That was the perfect place for a nap! I squeezed between her and the arm of the chair, turned around, and snuggled in with a purr. She petted me and I closed my eyes for a snooze while she talked with S. and Mommy.
We didn't stay as long as we usually do, because of how tired I was, but we visited with 10 people! That's not including the people we saw in the hallway and elevator, even. It's no wonder I was tired!
On the way back, we had a nice bus driver who remembered me even though it had been about 2 months since we'd ridden his bus. When we got on the bus, he said, "Oh, there's the nice kitty!" I was happy he remembered me. When we got to our stop, it was the last one on the line and time for him to go home. He got to pet me!
Erin was leaving the house as we were walking home, so I got to say hi to her. Then it was time to eat, use the box, and sleep some more. I played later on, but I needed my rest!