Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!! (also wrap-up from last weekend)

Tabby, Rori, & Spooky/Nyx (the one we adopted out, not the latest Spooky) made these pictures in 2007.  :)

Rori:  I'm thankful for a warm home with my family.
Carbon:  I'm thankful for Mommy, Daddy, and the other kitties to play with, for a full food bowl and full water bowls, and for this house to run around in.
Tabby:  I'm thankful for my window to watch the world go by, for my family, for my friends that I go visit, and for friends who come visit us.
Freya:  I'm thankful for my home and forever family, for my new friend Jarek (Erin's son), and for fuzzy socks.
Heimdall:  I'm thankful for my home and forever family, for toys, and for snuggles with Mommy.
Starla:  I'm thankful for the kittens to play with, for Daddy and Mommy, and for time to explore the house.
Little Bit:  I'm thankful for my foster family, for Mommy Erin and Jarek who came to visit, and for space to run inside.

Weekend Wrap-Up from last weekend!

We got snow!!!  Not a lot, but we got to see it coming down and it stuck on the sidewalk and the grass was coated!  :)  Erin and Jarek came to stay for the weekend, too.  Freya and Jarek became good friends; she even snuggled with him for naptime and at night!  Heimdall, Rori, and Starla were a bit scared by an almost-three-year-old boy laughing and clomping around, but that's because the house is usually fairly quiet.  Tabby, of course, loved the whole thing, and Little Bit did, too.  Little Bit lived with Erin and Jarek for a few months, so she remembered them right off.

Jarek's naptime with Mommy's bear pillow tucked in with him

 The next day, Freya decided to bring her fuzzy sock up to participate in storytime/naptime, too!

 Uh, oh!  Naptime got postponed for sock-playing with Erin!

 Freya's waiting for Erin to play some more!

 Tabby and Erin

 This is what happens when you've got a bright child and kitty toys!  :)

 Jarek, almost three years old

 Little Bit with Mommy Erin

 Jarek took this picture of Tabby!!!  :)

 Heimdall loves Erin, and Freya does too but didn't really want to be held.
 Mrs. Raccoon put in an appearance

 Jarek and Erin in the snow

 Our backyard in the snow

 Tabby says:  Yes, Mommy!  I see the snow behind me!  *nods up and down fast and makes a blur*

 See that happy tail?

 Jarek's first raccoon experience, as Erin put it.  Mr. Raccoon liked him, too.

 Jarek:  Hi, Mr. Raccoon!

 Closeup of Mr. Raccoon

 Mommy and Jarek in the snow

 Erin got this pic of Tabby looking out as the snow was starting to fall.
Tabby:  What is that?  It's covering the sidewalk?  What are they doing out in it?

Erin and Mommy in the snow, with a snowflake in the middle of the pic!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thankful for our Veterans Thursday

We are very thankful today for all who have served and are serving in the armed forces, in all branches, at home and abroad.  Whether in wartime or in peacetime, our freedoms are secure because of these brave men and women who have put their lives on the line, sacrificing so much of themselves in service to our country.  Our mommy's grandpa's grandpa served in the Civil War, her great-grandpa served in WWI, and both her grandpas served in WWII, one of her grandpas also serving in Korea then in the National Guard and as a military schoolteacher in an American school in Germany.  God bless you all!

We also remember today our doggie auntie, who helped raise our mommy.  Her name was Trixi, and today's her Bridge Day anniversary.  She was the baby of the family before Mommy was born, but quickly took on the role of protector of her new "people puppy", giving Mommy a big SLUUUUURRRRRRPPPP as soon as Grandma and Grandpa brought her home from the hospital!  Trixi was 13 years old when she went to the Bridge in 1986.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sad Feral Friday Yesterday

Yesterday was a sad Feral Friday.  Our outside friend, grey striped kitty, got hit by a car and ended up on his side in our driveway yesterday afternoon.  He was friendly, probably someone's pet who was an outside-only cat, or someone's former pet turned out on his own.  He never let us pet him, or come very close, but he once jumped on our grandpa's car and looked in at him when he came to visit!  So he had to have some positive experience with humans at some point in his life.  He was probably somewhere between 2 and 5 years old.  He visited us at least every other day, eating from the food on our back deck.

Rest in peace, grey striped kitty!  We'll miss you!

Mommy saw his body in the driveway when Grandpa drove her home after work last night.  Daddy buried him with Skylar & Spooky, while Grandpa held the flashlight.  We watched with Mommy from inside the house, through the back window.