Sunday, October 16, 2011

Happy National Feral Cat Day!

National Feral Cat Day 2011

Miss Marble writes:

Happy our day!  I'm proud to be a fixed, eartipped feral girl!  When the lady opened the window today, I was right there waiting.  I curled my tail around my paws and sat pretty, a foot from her, just like my momcat Leopard used to, and waited for the lady to put food out for us.  I talked to her the whole time, telling her how happy I was, and she talked back to me.  Then, I called to my daddy Tux and my sister Striped Girl and they came to get food, too.  I could see my brother Hemming through the window, and he was eating from the inside plate with the inside kitties.  He and I talk and play through the window a lot, but we're both happy with our separate lives.  He says he may have another home soon.

Hemming writes:

Happy our day!  I'm proud to be a fixed, eartipped, former feral kitten!  I have a good life inside now, and hope to have a forever home soon.  I'm still up for adoption, and no one else has passed my foster parents' tests for forever homes, but I'm still hopeful.  Until then, I've got my foster family to play with, the humans to snuggle with, and my family to watch out the window.

Missy writes:

Happy our day!  I'm proud to be a former feral who chose to ask for help from humans.  I was out on the streets by myself in an industrial area, then all of a sudden I had foster parents and foster siblings!  I still bite occasionally, but I love snuggling and playing with everyone.

Rori writes:

Happy our day!  Yes, I was a feral kitten!  You wouldn't know it to look at me now, because I came inside at 4 weeks old and am fully socialized thanks to my family.  My mommy-auntie Lydia and my auntie Tabby took care of me and taught me, and my uncles Carbon and Skylar played with me and taught me.  Mommy, Mommy Erin, and Daddy helped me grow and become Lady of the House and Big Kitty of the House.  Feral kittens can make great inside kitties if you catch us when we're little enough to learn how to be inside kitties!

Happy National Feral Cat Day, everyone!


Sparkle said...

Hemming, I just want to say, you have the awesomest thumbs!! No wonder you are all having a great National Feral Cat Day - you have a fantastic human looking after you! I wish all feral kitties should be so lucky.

meowmeowmans said...

Happy National Feral Cat Day to you all! Big paws up to your human. :)

The Island Cats said...

Happy Your Day to all of you!!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Happy National Feral Cat Day! We luf ferals! Most of us were feral too. Ferals make great pets! xoxo