Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tabby is thankful for her family, friends, those she visits, toy springs, food, water, and Mommy and Daddy.

Carbon is thankful for windows that he can look out, Mommy and Daddy, and a long hallway to run up and down.

Rori is thankful for a closet to hang out in when she wants to be by herself, snuggles with Mommy, scratcher, and her family.

Little Bit is thankful for toys, scratcher, the office chair, and Daddy.

Starla is thankful for her cave under the sink, food, medicine for her anxiety, and a family who understands her needs.

Missy is thankful for the printer to lie on, snuggles with Daddy, a warm home, and her family.

Freya is thankful for scratcher, toys, sockies, Mommy and Daddy, her brother, Tigress, and the rest of her family.

Heimdall is thankful for snuggles with Mommy, his sister, the bathtub with fresh shower water, scratcher, toys, food, water, and the rest of his family.

Dare is thankful for the couch to snuggle on, Foster Mommy and Foster Daddy, a home and foster family, toys, and food.

Panther is thankful for an inside foster home and foster family, Foster Mommy and Foster Daddy, Tigress, toys, food, water, the litter box, and health.

Tigress is thankful for the warm house, the ability to go in and out the door, food, liquid water in the house, her inside family, and Mommy and Daddy.

We are all thankful for YOU, our friends!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. That's a lot of thankful!

    Happy Thanksgiving, from all of us to all of you.

  2. What pawsome fings to be thankful fur!! We am thankful fur our pawsome furiends

    Katie Kitty Too

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! I have lots to be thankful for... Including you guys!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all our US friends.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. We hope your celebration is wonderful. :-)

  6. Lovely thanks to your amazing family, too!

  7. We hope you all are having a very Happy Thanksgiving.

  8. Those are great things to be thankful for, friends! Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Hoping you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We would be thankful if you popped by to visit us :)

  10. We're glad you're all having and Happy and Thankful Thanksgiving.
