Saturday, December 7, 2013

Snow Day and a Fundraiser Announcement

Tigress writes:

Yesterday, we all woke up to snow!  The first snowfall of the winter!  I was very glad to be inside the warm (and dry) house, but was as hyper as everyone else.  We ran up and down the hallway playing THOE (thundering herd of elephants), woke Mommy up by jumping on the bed, and chittered at the leaves the wind was blowing around in the yard.

After Mommy was fully awake, I let her know I wanted to go out to play in the snow.  I was out for a good two hours before I wanted back in!  I pounced on half-buried leaves, played in the crisp, frozen grass, and made pawprints on the deck.  I hunted for a while, but everything was staying in dens and not out to be hunted.  After it started warming up so the snow was starting to melt, I asked to be let back inside again.

Panther was so jealous!  He wanted out to play in the snow, too, but Mommy wouldn't let him.  He sniffed me all over when I came back in and told me how jealous he was!

Some of you kitties who are world travelers might know that there are two cities called Vancouver on the west coast of North America.  We live in the south Vancouver, which is Vancouver, Washington, USA.  The other Vancouver is Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and it's only about 8 hours away, almost directly north of us.  They are having the same cold weather and starting to have snow.  The kitties up there could really use some help right now, so we'd like to tell you about a fundraiser to help them.

Amy Lowry, a Vancouver, BC, graphics designer, is donating $1 for each item purchased in her Etsy store to the Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association.  VOKRA is a unique no-kill, cats-only rescue that is based around foster homes rather than a brick-and-mortar shelter building.  It was started 13 years ago and, according to the website, helped find homes for almost 2,000 cats last year!  VOKRA also has a T-N-R program.  If you would like more information about VOKRA, their website is here.  If you would like more information about the fundraiser, including some stores that carry Amy Lowry's products, her infographic is here.  Thank you!


  1. Oooh, you got to go out and play in the snow? We are all very jealous. We want out, but Mom won't let us unless we are on our harnesses and Mom says it's too cold for her.

  2. We've got snow here now too! (Minnesota) ...and baby, it's cold outside!

    ....we looked at your friend's Etsy shop and it's gorgeous!!!

  3. We just came in from shoveling the snow ... BRRR! Stay warm, okay?

    We're off to go check Amy's site. That's really nice of her to help VOKRA!
