Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday to Panther!!!

Panther writes:

Happy birthday?  What's a birthday?  Foster Mommy gave me (and everyone else) treats today and she and Foster Daddy are telling me I'm a year old today!  Am I really that old?  They are saying that I'm an adult now.  The other kitties tell me that I can act as silly as I want, still, though.  Good!

I'm all healed from my sinus infection now, my eyes have both cleared up, and I'm feeling a lot better.  I don't feel like fighting anymore, although I still haven't figured out the best way to ask the others to play with me.  I go up to them and swat, thinking that will get them to play, but I just get hissed at.  That's not what I want!  I have figured out how to play with Tigress, though.  She's teaching me to tilt my head first, then wait until she makes a move to play.  If I don't do that, she swats at me and hisses.  If I tilt my head first, then she does that and moves to the side, looking at me over her shoulder.  I know that it's ok to go after her, then.  Fun!

Foster Mommy hasn't been feeling well, and came back from somewhere smelling like I did when I came home from the vet.  She said she went to the doctor.  She's feeling better now, but all of us have been piled on her while she lies on the couch or the bed.  Foster Daddy is taking care of our litter box, food, and water for a few days.  Foster Mommy will be ok, though.  She says she had something called a polyp that needed to be removed.

I'm still up for adoption, so if you know of anyone who would like a sweet mancat as their very own, let us know!  My foster purrents will put my Craigslist ad back up after the new year.  They always take down foster ads during the holidays, to prevent boomerang pets.  Please, tell everyone to give promises of pets and not the actual pets as gifts, especially during the holidays.  It's too stressful for us to go to new homes when everything is different and busier!  It's best to wait until the house is calmed down and guests have left, then pick out the perfect pet with the person who is getting the gift.


  1. Happy birthday, Panther! I hope you get your own home early next year! That would be awesome!

  2. Happy Birthday Panther and we hopes you gets a forever home for the holidays.

  3. Happy birthday, Panther! We hope you find a wonderful forever home soon.

    And we're sending healing purrs to your Foster Mommy!

  4. Happy birthday! Do hope you get a loving forever home after the holidays. In the meantime, continue to enjoy your foster family. Purrs to your Foster Mommy. Hope she feels better soonest.

  5. Happy birthday, Panther! We have our paws and fingers crossed that you get the bestest present ever -- a forever home.

  6. stoppin by with best fishes mice creem dishes N happee birthday wishes for ewe panther...hope yur birthday wish for a forevers home comes troo; hope in de meen time ya get sum salmon, toona, trout, flounder, catnip, toys, treetz, herring, sea bass anda new cat tree with a full lee stocked fridge attached !! enjoy N hope everee one at yur houz haza happee non burd pie filled thanx bee givin :)

  7. Panther, my staff thinks you're learning to be a good nurse cat.

    Happy Birthday!

    Purrs & Headbonks,
    Lilith Kitten Mahoney, Age 12
    Nurse Cat & Diabeticat

  8. Happy Birthday Panther! I hope you get your Forever home after the holidays.

  9. Happy Birthday, Panther! We purr that you find your furever home!

  10. Happy Happy Birthday to you!!! So glad you are all healed! Love, Cody www.catchatwithcarenandcody.com
