Thursday, December 24, 2015

Meowy Christmas and Therapy Cat Tales!

Tabby writes:

Meowy Christmas!!!!!!!  I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written a therapy cat tale, but we've had a kind of crazy few months here.  I went to H. with Mommy and Auntie Shawnee in November for their holiday bazaar, but then didn't have my November visit.  I did this month, though!

Mommy!  This notebook cover's the picture Grammy took of me!  It also has one of her kitty blankies on it!

I chose the mackerel because they looked good enough to eat.  Unfortunately, I couldn't eat a notebook cover!

Are we done already?  How much did we make?
We ended up making about $30, and half of that we are donating to the Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon.  They got the profits from all our kitty-related notebooks and greeting cards!

On our December visit to H. a couple weeks ago, I wore my Christmas outfit, which you can see in the first picture on this post.  I was so excited that Mommy only got one decent pic out of the photo shoot, because I was rolling around and air-kneading!

My friends were all there, and I made some new friends, too.  The man who meows at me loved my dress, and one of my new friends had her two daughters there, so they got to meet me, too!  Another new friend wanted me to snuggle on the bed with her, so I curled up right in the crook of her arm.  I love snuggling with my friends!

No, that's not a real person standing with us under the umbrella.  It's the umbrella man statue in Pioneer Courthouse Square!  He had an ugly Christmas sweater on this year!

Have a merry Christmas, everyone, and stay safe!