Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Rori is thankful for a snuggle spot in Mommy's office room.
Dare is thankful for Mommy's licky-arm.
Sherbet is thankful for his shelf and that there is food, water, and a litter box in Mommy's office room.
Panther is thankful for Daddy's lap.
Autumn is thankful for Daddy and for Mama Lana.
Little Bit is thankful for flea medicine.
Freya is thankful for snuggle laps and fuzzies to play with.
Heimdall is thankful for flea medicine and Mommy.
Missy is thankful for Daddy.
Tabby is thankful for everyone and a tote to sleep on top of.
Carbon is thankful for food.
Starla is thankful for open windows with screens, sun puddles, and a nice day.
Niss is thankful for food and a place to hang out on the deck.

We are all thankful for YOU!


  1. Those are all great things to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. And I'm thankful for your friendship! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving efurrybody! We hopes you had a wonderful day with some extra treats.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! We're thankful for you ongoing friendship. :)
