Tuesday, April 28, 2015


What's an "x"-eption?  Mommy says we have to make one for her, and we hope you will, too.  Today was an "x"-eptionally busy day for her, so she forgot to do our "x" post until now!  Sorry!  What, Mommy?  It's spelled "exception"?  Oh, ok!

None of us here have had an x-ray, which was what we were going to blog about today if Mommy had written it for us on time.  Auntie Lydia had one once on her intestines, and another one on her teeth.  She had something called stomatitis, where her body was literally dissolving her own teeth!  It's some kind of common autoimmune disease for cats, and can be prevented or at least lessened by regular brushing and seeing the vet for dentals.  She had to have all her teeth pulled!  She did just fine after that, though, and even ate crunchies after her mouth healed.  We're glad the x-rays helped the vets figure out the problem so they could help her.


  1. Sparkle and the cat before her both have had X-rays. My human managed to get her hands on the cat before Sparkle's (vets are really reluctant to let go of them), and has kept it.

  2. Ssshhhh! Do not say the word brushing! Mom does brushing on my teeth every single day! Don't remind her. Maybe she'll forget today.....

    Love and licks,

  3. It's sad the kitty had to lose all it's teefs...but we know it does help.

  4. We has both had x-rays befores. Me of my hips and my tummy and Lita of hers lungs. They is not so fun to have done, but they sure do tell Dr. Stabby a lot and then hers helps us feel better, so we guess it's worth it.


  5. We know busy and don't worry, you have X in your name.
