Monday, April 27, 2015

When We Were Very Young....
Get ready for cute baby kitten pics, because this is what we looked like when we were very young!  (Yes, A.A. Milne is one of Mommy's favorite authors.)

Carbon and Tabby, Summer 2005
Tabby and Rori, Fall 2007

Tabby and Knut (Rori's brother), Fall 2007

Spooky 1, Fall 2007
Baby Chiba (Little Bit's sister), Spring 2008

Starla, Spring 2009

Smokey (Little Bit's sister), Winter 2008

Little Bit, Winter 2008
Little Bit with her boys (Squishy, Kai, Tiger, and Cloud), Spring 2009

Carbon with Little Bit's baby sisters (Boo and Michelle), Spring 2009
Baby-Tuxie, Summer 2009

Baby-Dot, Summer 2009
Spooky 2, Fall 2009
Freya and Heimdall, Summer 2010
Tigress, Summer 2011

Leopard (the feral kittens' mom), Hemming, Miss Marble, their brother, Summer 2011


  1. How is that cat pictures never fail to entertain and bring joy?

  2. Oop! Meant to say I'm from the AtoZ Challenge Team

  3. Oh my goodness, such cute little kittens. It's always fun to look back to when they were little.

  4. Very cute! Love the photos.

    Visiting from A to Z.
