Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Purrs Requested for Starla!

Starla writes:

Could I please have some purrs?  I don't feel very well at all.  Mommy, Daddy, and the other kitties are very worried, and so am I.  I had to go to the vet place on Monday, and almost had to go back yesterday.  My pee is very yellow because of something called bilirubin.  My body's not producing red blood cells right now, and those I do have are bursting.  I don't want them to!  I'm very sleepy, anemic, and turning somewhat yellow.  The doctor thought maybe I have an infection and/or fatty liver disease.  She really wants to have me stay at the clinic for intubation (for feeding and fluids) and meds, but that costs too much (unfortunately).  Daddy went and got a bag of sub-q fluids for me, and now I understand why Uncle Skylar liked getting them so much!  I actually felt like walking out to the big water bowl (in the dining room) to have more water and walking back to my room (the bathroom) after I had the fluids!  I am being force-fed canned a/d food by syringe every few hours, because I'm not eating on my own and haven't been eating on my own for a couple days.

Please understand that our family is doing what we think is best for everyone.  Thank you all for your love and understanding!  We'll keep you posted.

P.S.  Mommy's been lying on our bloggie about my age and Rori's for the past few years, and only tonight realized it!  I'm 8 years old and Rori (my cousin's half-sister and the alpha of our household) is also 8 years old.  Sorry about that!


  1. Starla, I know your humans are doing the very best they can for you and I am sending lots and lots of purrs your way! Please feel better soon!

  2. Oh Starla. We're purring like crazy for you.

  3. We're sending all our purrs and purrayers to you!

  4. Sending our softest, most comforting purrs to you, Starla... purrs...

  5. Poor Starla! We are sorry you are not feeling well, and we are purring and praying real hard for you!

  6. We send you tons of healing purrs ! Purrs

  7. starla...we send mega purrayers for ewe a long with de manee blessings oh st francis ewe can get well, be well & stay well ♥♥♥

  8. I am sending lots of purrs for you to feel better Starla.

  9. We'll be purring and purraying for you, sweet girl!

  10. It sounds like your parents are taking very good care of you. Mom and I will say prayers for you and all the humans helping you. I will send purrs even though I'm a doggie! Stay brave. xoxo

    Love and licks,

  11. Poor Starla, I am praying and all 15 kitties are purring.
