Thursday, January 22, 2015

Newsflash: Starla's eating again!

Starla writes:

All of a sudden, yesterday evening, I felt my tummy rumbling in a good way!  I was hungry!  I went over to my food plate to see if there were any crunchies there, and licked up two tiny pieces.  I wasn't sure they would taste good, but I figured it was worth a try.  Then I lay back down on my beloved heat vent to rest some more.

Daddy brought out the red dot and I heard the sound of the keychain it's on, so I walked down the hallway to the dining room to watch the others play.  I tracked the dot around for a while.  When Tabby and Mommy came back from visiting (she's doing a report on that tomorrow or the next day), we all got canned food.  I came out again for that, but Mommy force-fed me my two baby spoons of it.  I had some water, then everyone played red dot some more.  I put my paw out for it a couple times!  Heimdall didn't want me so close to it, so he smacked me in the face, but I knew he didn't really mean it so I didn't react.  He jumped over Dare at one point, running after the dot!

I got fluids again last night and this morning, then I ate some more crunchies twice on my own.  Five pieces at once the last time!

Thank you so much for all your good thoughts, well-wishes, purrs, grrs, prayers and rumbles!  I can feel everyone's love and caring, and it's really helping me!  I go in for a recheck and more bloodwork tomorrow morning.


  1. best fishes two ewe two morrow starla N even mor blessings frum R pal St Francis...we hope by de time ewe reed thiz ya haz eated even MOR crunchies ♥♥♥

  2. That is good that you have started to eat a little bit on your own. I am sending purrs to you.

  3. Continued purrs and purrayers from us. We're glad you're showing some interest in eating again and hope you'll eat more on your own tomorrow.

  4. I'm glad you've started eating again, Starla! I'm sending more purrs your way.

  5. It's good that you're eating a little bit of your crunchies. I hope your next vet check brings good news.

  6. What a brave girl! I wish I could help you eat. It is my favorite activity.

    Love and licks and continued healing purrs (even though I'm a dog),

  7. Oh Starla... Such good news that you ate on your own even if it was just a little. Kitten steps, Starla.. If you eat a little bit more on your own each day, you'll be right as reign before you know it.

    We're all purrin' for you. Purrin' and purrin' AND PURRIN'. Purrin' that you'll be all better and eatin' lots and lots on your own, very soon.


  8. keep up the great eating! That is pawesome news! Love, Cody

  9. We'll keep praying and you keep eating,please.

  10. We're glad to read it ! Please keep eating ! Purrs

  11. Awesome news! Please keep up that eating, Starla! And we'll keep on purring and praying for you, okay?
