Saturday, January 23, 2016

Saturday PhotoHunt: Cat

Dare writes:

This is feeding time at our house, when we get special treats!  This time, we got tuna, but sometimes we get canned cat food or pouch food.  Everyone comes running, meowing our heads off for the plates to be put on the floor faster!  Once they're down, we all jockey for position.  We eat by pecking order, so Carbon and Rori always get plates first, also Tabby and the twins.  The rest of us get to eat with them or when they're done, unless there are more plates put down for us.  In this picture, Carbon, one of the twins, Starla, and Missy have the plates.  I'm getting ready to ask Starla if I can share a plate with her, and Tabby and the other twin have the cans.  Bit's waiting her turn patiently, and so is Panther.

I love being part of a clowder!  That's what a group of cats is called, and we have 14 in our clowder.  Some of us are fosters, some are outside ferals, and most are forevers.  Regardless, we're all part of the gang!

Are you pawticipating in the Caturday Photo Hunt today?


  1. Wow - dinner time must be quite an event with that crew.

    Have a super weekend.

  2. Great photo, you got a lot of them in that shot.

  3. What a big family you have! It sounds like fun!

  4. We never realized there were so many of you in your clowder. It's a feeding frenzy!

  5. You all are so polite, waiting your turn and eating in order. We all have to be separated at meal time and have our own "eating rooms" because otherwise we just steal from each other! MOL!

  6. You are all so gawjus. And so patient. Me's hollerin' from da minute mommy gets da food in da plate. Sis Lexi always gets hers furst cuz she be da "alpha" cat but me's not patient in da least. MOL Have a pawsum week.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  7. I knew you would have the purrfect photo for the hunt!
