Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy Mew Year, Gotcha Day, and Purrthday!!! Whew!!!

Missy writes:

First of all, Happy Mew Year, everyone!!!!!!!  Purrayers for a year filled with treats, love, happiness, family, warmth, and all good things for you and yours!

Yesterday was my Gotcha Day!  Thanks to those who left messages yesterday.  I like to write a three-in-one post for all three things on New Year's, in case you were wondering why I didn't have a post up yesterday.  It was the annifursary of the day that my humans adopted me, even though I'd adopted them a while before then.  I found them at Mommy's work, a few days after a big parade there (May 17th parade for Norway's constitution day).  The parade was scary, but I realized that there were more people around than I thought.  I wanted some of them to help me find food.  I lived in an industrial area by the Franz bakery, and the bakery employees fed me sometimes, but I was getting very hungry.  I walked down the sidewalk, calling out for help.  Mommy was teaching and the whole class stopped so that she could go find me and see what was wrong!  She picked me up and held me while someone else went to get Daddy, who was inside the building talking with other friends.  They put me in the car and Mommy finished her class.  I escaped when Daddy opened the car door, and it took them a long time to catch me again, because I hid in someone's backyard behind a fence!  Finally, Daddy got me and we all drove to my new home.

It took me a long time to purr for Daddy, but now I purr a lot for him, and sometimes for Mommy, too.  Daddy's my human, though.  When they took me to the vet for the first time, they were thinking that I was a kitten still because of how tiny I am.  Nope, I was 2 1/2 years old at that point!  That's when I got my shots and got checked for diseases.  I was (and still am) a very healthy adult cat, and I sat in the vet's lap when he sat on the floor!

It took a while for my purrents to decide to keep me, but they did.  I bonded with Daddy too much to be adopted out to anyone else!  Besides, I'm a socialized feral, and we make the best snuggle buddies!

The vet had assigned me a purrthday of New Year's Day, and I'm glad, because I get to see the fireworks and hear the cheering on my purrthday!  I like looking at the pretty lights in the sky and on tv!  I'm going to snuggle with Daddy while he plays his computer game now.  Happy Mew Year!


  1. We are so happy for you that your Daddy found you and you have lovely snuggles with him.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day Missy! Happy New Year to all of you.

  3. Wow! So much to celebrate! Happy New Year...Happy Gotcha Day...Happy Birthday!

  4. That is so Sweet! Happy Gotcha, New Year, Birthday and Purrrr-day!

  5. Happy Birthday, Gotcha Day and New Year- that is a lot to celebrate. I am glat you have such a wonderful and loving forever home.

  6. Happy Purrday and Gotcha Day. You are a very small cat like our Arty Mouse. She was always kitten size.

    Happy New Year, we has a new kitten, Chimera, the vet assigned her December 21st as a purrday.

  7. Oh Missy Happy Meowday and gotchaday and New year all rolled into one. Weez so glad yous pawents 'cided to adopt you. Have a purrfectly blest day and year.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  8. Happy Birthday and Happy Gotcha Day ! Happy New Year and best wishes for 2016 ! Purrs

  9. Happy New Year! We hope 2016 is a happy and healthy one for you! Happy Gotcha Day and Happy Birthday too!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  10. Happy New Year, sweet Missy! And happy gotcha day and purrthday, too. :)

  11. Happy New Year efurrybody! And happy birthday and gotcha day to you Missy. We hopes you all have a wonderful 2016.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  12. Happy Gotcha Day! I’m a mostly socialized feral but I don’t snuggle. Happy New Year.

  13. What a wonderful Gotcha Day Story, M. Your parents were determined, and it's lucky for you that they were. I guess they needed to be rescued more than they thought.... :)

    Love and licks,

  14. lots of celebrating going on over there! Happy Everything! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody
