Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Happy 10th Gotcha Day, Tabby & Carbon!

Happy 10th Gotcha Day to Tabby and Carbon!  This is a picture of them when they were just a few weeks old, after they came to live with Daddy.  They were in a free kittens cage in Clatskanie, OR, where Daddy grew up.  He and Mommy were driving through on their way to Long Beach, WA, for their first beach trip together, and Mommy saw a sign on the feed store billboard:  Free Kittens.  All the way down and all the way back, Daddy kept asking Mommy to help him remember to stop.  Sure enough, there were two little kittens in the cage on the porch!  Carbon was 5 weeks old and Tabby was 4 weeks old.

Needless to say, the rest was history!  Daddy picked up Carbon while Mommy picked up Tabby, then they switched after a few minutes.  Carbon threw up on the way home, but Tabby loved the trip, even looking out the side window and trying to climb on Daddy (who was driving).

Once at their new home, the little house in SE Portland, Tabby dove headfirst into Mommy's cake while Carbon curled up in Daddy's work boot for a nap!  Later on, after playing, eating, and using the litter box, it got really quiet in the house.  Daddy and Mommy noticed and started looking for the kittens.  They looked everywhere, to no avail, until Daddy had a brainstorm.  He opened the top two drawers of his dresser, and four blinking, sleepy eyes, along with two big yawns, greeted him!  The kittens had climbed up the back of the dresser using the drawers as stairsteps!


  1. Happy gotcha day, Tabby and Carbon! Clearly you were meant to be with your humans!

  2. Happy Gotcha Day Carbon & Tabby!!!! What a wonderful gotcha story.

  3. Happy Gotcha Day, Carbon and Tabby! Good thing your peeps remembered to stop for you.

  4. Happy Gotcha Day Tabby and Carbon!

  5. Happy birthday, Carbon & Tabby. You sure got yourselves a good home.

  6. Oh, so adorable! What a Gotcha Day story, poor little things being so young. You definitely won the kitty lottery, Carbon and Tabby. Happy Gotcha Day!

  7. Happy Gotcha Day, Tabby and Carbon ! We wish you a wonderful day ! Purrs

  8. Happy Gotcha Day Tabby and Carbon! You sure had a furry exciting start coming to your furever home.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  9. Meant to be is meant to be! Happy Gotcha Day, kitties!

    Love and licks,

  10. Happy Happy 10th Gotcha Day! Love from Cat Chat With Caren and Cody

  11. Sorry to be late getting here! Happy 10th Gotcha Day, Tabby and Carbon! We're so glad you were gotted into such a perfcet home. :)

  12. Happy 10th Gotcha Day. You all were lucky to have found each other.
