Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Happy 10th purrthday, Tabby!

Tabby writes:

No, this isn't how I'm dressing for my purrthday today, but it is how I'm going to dress for my next visit to H.!  It's my 10th purrthday today!  Carbon had his last week, so it's my turn now!  Yay!  I'm asking Mommy right away if I can have the same yummy treats we got last week, and I'm sure she'll say we can!  Although we've been getting into the treats without being given them, lately, oopsie!  Daddy put the swag bag from the Doggie Dash on the floor, and a certain just-over-a-year-old found out that there were Temptations in small packages in there.  Oops!  I might've told her to check, but I'm not telling.  I had fun yesterday opening a bite-sized package and chasing it around the floor for about 15 minutes, then eating all the treats that dropped out of it.  Yummy!  There actually aren't that many per package, since they're the sample-sized ones.  I wanted to chase another package, but our purrents are limiting it to one package per kitty, with the fun exercise to go along with it.


  1. Happy Purrday Tabby!!!!!!!!

    Chasing treat packages sounds like fun.

  2. Happy Purrfday Tabby!!!! enjoy your speshul day!

  3. Happy Birthday, Tabby! I'm celebrating my birthday today too. Let's party! ~Wally

  4. Happy Birthday, I love your little outfit. :)

  5. Happy Birthday, Tabby! We hope it is a pawesome one!

  6. Happy birthday Tabby! Hope you have a wonderful, treat filled, day!

  7. Happy B-Day, Tabby! May your day be filled with naps, love, and lots more treats!

  8. Happy Purrthday, Tabby! We sure hope you had an extra-special day, filled with love and treats! :)

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  10. Happy Birfday, Tabby! I had a wunnerful time. Now come visit mine. ~ AYLA

  11. Happy Birthday, T. I'm sure your parents know that things left of the floor are open season for kitties (and doggies, too!). I wish Mom would leave something on the floor once in a while. I'm too tiny to reach the counters....

    Love and licks,
