Sunday, November 16, 2014

Spay Update!

Autumn writes:

I aced my spay!  Wait, what?  That's not how it's supposed to go?  Well, what do I know?  I'm just a 7-month-old kitten!  Foster Daddy picked me up yesterday afternoon and brought me back home.  I had just woken up and eaten a little, so I was still pretty groggy at first and barely talked at all in the car.  Foster Daddy watched me closely the first few hours, and the first thing I did was climb up the ladder to the loft bed!  He watched me really closely for that, and plucked me off there pretty quickly.

Foster Daddy wondered why I didn't snuggle with him right away, but then he realized that maybe I didn't feel good enough yet to hop up into the chair with him.  Foster Mommy picked me up and lifted me into the chair, so I ended up snuggling on Foster Daddy and getting pets from both of them!  I purred through the whole thing and tried to head-butt Foster Daddy's glasses like usual, so they knew I was feeling more like myself.

Aunties Dare, Rori, and Freya keep checking on me, and sometimes Aunties Tabby and Missy do, too.  I was playing with the mesh on the carrier, because I think it's funny to be able to see through it, and Auntie Freya came over to play.  She scared me, so I hissed at her.  She got a funny look and backed off, like she couldn't quite believe I was hissing this soon!


  1. We're glad to read such good news ! Purrs

  2. You are now free to live your life Autumn. Spay girls do have more fun!

  3. So glad all went well and yous duin' good. DAt gwoggy will be over afur yous know it and yous'll be purrlayin' and havin a gweat time. Livin' da good life.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  4. Of COURSE you aced your spay. I always knew you would.


  5. Oh, I'm sure you will be back to normal (sans lady parts) in no time!

  6. I am glad everything went well-good girl.

  7. Yes, A. It does sound like you aced it. You were very brave. I'm happy you got to cuddle afterwards. Cuddling is good medicine.

    Love and licks,

  8. Congratulations on your spay. I hope your recovery is quick and you'll be jumping into your dad's lap in no time.

  9. Yay! We're so glad everything went well, Autumn!
