Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Birthdays Yesterday and Happy Thanksgiving Today!

Panther is thankful that it was his birthday yesterday, and for two loving families (and hopefully the chance to go back to his forever home).

Sherbet is thankful for this nice deck and tree place where the people put out food for him, for his birthday yesterday, for his brother Panther inside, and for Auntie Tigress watching out for him.

Tabby is thankful for her visiting (even though she hasn't gone the last couple months due to other things on the schedule for Mommy), for friends, and for a loving family.

Carbon is thankful for Mommy and Daddy who take care of picking up his hairballs and missed litterbox times and still let him snuggle with them.

Little Bit is so thankful that she wasn't hurt when she fell off the mantle and bounced off the fireplace screen a few days ago.

Freya is thankful for fuzzy sockies, family, and her brother.

Heimdall is thankful for Mommy, snuggling, and his sister.

Rori is thankful for starting to get over her fear of coats and loud shoes and for family.

Autumn is thankful for a loving foster family and so many teachers and playmates.

Tigress is thankful for snuggles, a loving family, and the ability to go outside still as well as hang out inside.

Starla is thankful for her space in the bathroom and for a relatively peaceful household.

Dare is thankful for climbing spaces and snuggling.

We all are very thankful for YOU!


  1. Lots of reasons to be thankful for, rightfully so! Same here, we certainly can't complain! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Lots to be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

  3. So many blessings! We rejoice with you that Little Bit wasn't hurt in her great fall. Yikes! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and all our US friends.

  5. Wow, that's a great list of things for which you are grateful. Happy Thanksgiving, dear ones!

  6. That's a wonderful list of why everyone is thankful. Happy Thanksgiving.

  7. Happy belated Thanksgiving ! We hope you had a wonderful day ! Purrs
