Monday, October 28, 2013

TCC Halloween Costume Dress-Up Day!

We're not yet members of the Tabby Cat Club, but we noticed their dress-up day was open to everyone.  Here are our posts for this year's Halloween costumes!

Tabby and Mommy dressed up to visit the nursing home.  They're candy-corn witches, with costumes that match!

Heimdall made a great Yoda.  Hey, even his new harness matches!

Carbon even decided to play along with the Yoda dress-up game, for once!


  1. Binga had to suffer through the Yoda head thing too - I was relieved that it was too big for my little head!

  2. yur coztoomz bee rockin guys !!! we loves em :) heerz ta trout in yur trik N treetz bag !!

  3. Tabby you should join the TCC we would love to have you and any other tabbies in your pride.

    Love the costumes. ~Socks

  4. Aw, those are GREAT costumes! WE bet those brought a smile to LOTS of folks at the nursing home! :)

    We agree with Socks -- you should totally join us over at the TCC.


  5. well, what are ya waiting for! Go and join the Tabby Cat Club! You all look great!
