Friday, August 16, 2013

Foster Friday and Two Honors!

Rori:  Calm down, Panther!  It's only Mommy with the flashy box again.  You'll get used to it.

Panther:  No, I won't!  I don't like it!  It's scary, even when it's not taking pictures!  *tries to get out the door behind him*

Mommy:  Panther, it's ok.  Can you please play with the catnip pillow like you were just doing?  I want to get a picture of you with your first favorite toy!

Panther:  No!  I don't wanna do that for the flashy thingy!  *turns his back on the catnip pillow*

Mommy:  Please?

Panther:  NO!

*Mommy lowers the camera.*

*Panther rolls over and starts licking the catnip pillow and bunny-kicking it.*

*Mommy starts to raise the camera again.*

Panther:  Oh, no!  Here she comes with the flashy thing again!

Rori:  Come over here, Panther.  You'll be safe by me.

*Mommy puts the camera away.*

Rori:  Before you go outside, Panther, I want to tell you something.

Panther:  What?

Rori:  You remember Miss Marble, who was outside for a while with you?

Panther:  Um, yeah?  She didn't like that I was in the backyard.  It was her territory, but she let me be there.

Rori:  Yep, that's right.  Well, she's got a very sweet memorial over on the Our Rainbow Friends blog today!  They made a gorgeous frame for one of Mommy's favorite pictures of her, with a rainbow and everything!

Panther:  Wow!

Rori:  That's not all.

*Panther's eyes widen.*

Rori:  We also had an interview with the Funny Farmers this week, and the article's posted on Mousebreath today!

Panther:  Cool!  That's great!

Rori:  Yep, it is.  All us inside forever cats are thrilled, and we mentioned you and Dare, too, as our fosters!

Panther:  Thank you, Auntie Rori!  Hey, do you think it might help me get a forever home?

Rori:  It might!  You never know.  First, you need to have more inside time with us, though.  You can start by having some dinner and then you can play some with the toys in here, including my catnip pillow.  I'll share with you.

Panther:  Thank you, Auntie Rori!  *goes over and licks her once on the hip, then goes off to eat*


  1. You learn to ignore the flashy box in the end, Panther.

  2. The trouble with us cats is that we are so darn cute and photographers can't get enough of us.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Panther, we're not fans of the flashy box either. But sometimes it's better to join 'em than fight 'em. :)

  4. I just read the interview - it was great to see you kitties on Mousebreath!

  5. We really liked your interview! Especially how you all became a family together. We're not fond of the flashy box either but what are you going to do? You're gorgeous! Purrs...

  6. meowloz two ewe PDX pride...nice two meet ewe N nice two meet sum former catster memburrs...we bee outta ther like a fish ona samich two :)

    way kewl tabby ewe iza therpeez kitteh !!! that total lee rocks

    hope everee one haza awesum week oh end :) and feel free ta stop by trout towne any kinda time; we all wayz haz fish on de grill 24/7...just dont ask for burd :)

  7. Well, Panther, maybe you should try to grab that flashy thing and run off with it. Hide it somewhere and your Mom will HAVE to leave you alone for a while.

  8. Panther, the flashy box will chase you around so much you just give up eventually and show it your cute. We all do, sooner or later.

  9. Congrats on your interview at Mousebreath.
    You should give an inservice to all on how to ignore the flashy box. That thing just is a bother.
    Noticed that you have tabby kitties at your place and wondering if you know that there is a Tabby Cat Club? If you are wanting to join up we would love to have the tabby kitties at your place as members. Check out the club and let me know if you would like to join,

  10. Sorry we're late. Thanks for doing the interview with us. We enjoyed it.

    Funny Farmer Felines
