Monday, July 15, 2013

Happy 8th Gotcha Day Anniversary to Tabby & Carbon!

Eight years ago today, Tabby and Carbon were rescued from a wire cage outside the feed store in Clatskanie, Oregon, the hometown of Daddy.  It was a very hot day that day!  Carbon was 5 weeks old, and Tabby was 4 weeks old.  Mommy and Daddy were on their way to Long Beach, WA, when Mommy saw the sign on the feed store advertising free kittens.  All the way down to the beach, Daddy kept reminding Mommy to remind him to stop on the way back.  They finally got back just before the feed store closed for the evening!

Daddy picked up Carbon, who immediately climbed him and sat on his shoulder at his neck.  Mommy got Tabby, who snuggled into her arms and took a nap for a few minutes.  They then switched and each held the other kitten, after prying Carbon's claws off Daddy's shirt.  The lady at the feed store got a cardboard box and poked holes in it.

Tabby didn't want to stay in the box on the way home.  She wanted to look at the cars going by out the passenger window and also wanted to help Daddy drive!  She still is a good car-rider!  Carbon got too hot and threw up in the box.  Mommy cleaned it up.  To this day, he freaks out if he goes anywhere.

The picture above was taken a few days after they were brought home.  As soon as they were let out, Carbon found one of Daddy's boots and took a nap inside it!  Then they played for a while.  Mommy cut a piece of strawberry cake with whipped cream frosting, and Tabby wanted to know what it was, so she climbed onto the couch and made her wobbly way to Mommy's lap.  Tabby fell headlong into the cake!  Mommy and Daddy laughed and cleaned her up, with Carbon's help (of course), then got another piece of cake.

After a while of watching the kittens, the house was quiet.  Mommy and Daddy got up and turned the house upside-down looking for them, finding them asleep in the two top drawers of Daddy's dresser.  They'd climbed up the back and into the drawers!

Tabby writes:

Today, I'm getting to be out in the early morning!  Usually, Carbon and I sleep in the back bedroom at night, letting Starla be out, then switch with her when our purrents wake up.  But last night, when Starla came out of the room, Carbon hissed at her so he got put into the room.  I was good and stayed where I was, then lay down, so I got to stay out!  I have to go into the room when Mommy goes to sleep, but I can stay out until then.  I didn't know that Starla follows the same routine when she comes out that Carbon and I do.  We all use the scratcher, then head to the food bowls and have a meal.  Then we greet the others, including our purrents.

Carbon writes:

Phooey!  Tabby told on me!  Yes, I'm dictating this from time-out in the back bedroom because I was a naughty boy.  However, I did go into the room like I was supposed to after I hissed, so I will still get my Gotcha Day treats with Tabby when we get let out in the late morning.  I'm glad I won't miss out on those!  I've been a pretty good boy when I see Starla when we switch rooms, but this time she walked right by me.  I wanted to let her know that I am higher-up on the totem pole than she is, but it backfired.  Oh, well.  Nice try, I guess.


  1. Happy gotcha day to you, Tabby and Carbon! You kitties lucked out so much - when you are advertised as "free," there is no telling where you might end up!

  2. Happy gotcha day, Tabby and Carbon!

  3. Happy Gotcha Day Tabby and Carbon!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  4. Wow, what a gotcha story! Happy Gotcha Day!

  5. Happy Gotcha Day to you both! We hope you have a fabulous day!

  6. Happy Gotcha Day, Carbon and Tabby!

  7. Happy Gotcha Day to all 4 of you. Yes, 4. Sounds like both the kitties and the humans were gotcha'd that day. :)

  8. Happy Gotcha Day, Tabby and Carbon. Nice try, Carbon and Tabby, sometimes it's not nice to tattle (take it from a home filled with tattlers!). Hope you get lots and lots of treats and thank you for sharing your Gotcha day story! Purrs....

  9. Happy Gotcha Day. Happy that you have a wonderful forever home.

  10. Happy Gotcha Day, Tabby & Carbon!!!
    lots of love,
    Katie, Glogirly & Waffles

  11. Happy a day late Gotcha Day, Tabby & Carbon. We hope you had a great day.

    Sounds like you had kind of a scary start, hanging out in a cage in front of a store like that. Glad things worked out for all of you.

  12. Happy Gotcha Day, Tabby and Carbon! We're so glad you were gotcha'd into such a wonderful and loving home. :)
