Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Happy Birthday to Carbon!!!

Carbon writes:

Happy birthday to me!!!!  This is how I'll spend my birthday:  wake up and annoy Tabby and Rori by leaving a stinkbomb in the box in the bedroom, then run around playing.  Crash on the bed until Mommy wakes up, then watch as she brings Starla into the bedroom.  Then I'll run out to the window and see if any friends are in the backyard, followed by eating and playing with everyone.  I'll try to get Missy Kitty to play (she played with Freya a little yesterday), but I'm still wary of her because she's got a strong left hook.  Then running around playing with some of my favorite toys, snuggling with Mommy and Daddy, and snuggling with shoes.  Yep, I'm looking forward to enjoying MY day!  :)  Mommy and Daddy say they can't quite believe I'm 6 years old already!


  1. Happy Birthday Carbon. Boy do you have a lot of energy to be 6.

  2. Happy Birthday Carbon...sounds like a great way to spend the day!

  3. Happy birthday, Carbon! It seems you have a great day planned! :-)

  4. Happy Birthday, Carbon! What a fun way to spend the day!!

  5. Sounds like a good plan. Happy Birthday Carbon!

  6. Happy Birthday Carbon. Sounds like you are going to have a great day.

  7. Happee purrfday, Carbon!!! Kom bisit mee. Yoor pal, Galletta

  8. Happy purrfday, Carobon! Hope it's a great day to you.

  9. Happy Birthday, Carbon! It sounds like you have a really awesome day planned. Enjoy your special day. :)

  10. Happy Birthday Carbon! Enjoy your day!!

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  11. Happy Birthday Carbon and many, many moooore!!! You have a great day planed it makes us tired just thinking about it!! Hehehehehhe!!
    Your TX furiends,

  12. Happy Belated Birthday, Carbon! Hope you had a great day.

  13. Happy Belated Birthday Carbon and Happy Birthday Tabby !!!!
    I hope you have a wonderful day
