Saturday, October 2, 2010

Go Yellow for Livestrong Day!

Our grandma and great-grandma beat cancer, but many others in our family did not.  We are thankful every day for the advances in science that allow many cancer patients the hope of remission.

In honor of those who are fighting the battle against cancer, or who have beaten it, and in memory of those who lost their lives to cancer, Freya is wearing her yellow sundress.  We also would like to remember those who lost their lives to feline cancers, including our Skylar and Lydia.


  1. We hope that one day this terrible disease will be gone and there will be no more need for a day like this. Until then, we LIVESTRONG.

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  2. Freya is doing a wonderful job of representting the "Pride" for LIVESTRONG day... we send purrs and prayers for those who are fighting the fight, and we honor them and support them. To those loved but lost, you are never forgotten.

  3. Thank you from our hearts for supporting LIVESTRONG day by doing a yellow post. Freya looks adorable!

    Blessing to all those who are currrently fighting cancer, are cancer survivors, or who have lost their lives to this terrible disease.

    LIVESTRONG always.

    Love from Milo and Alfie, Mom-Jan and Dad xxxx

  4. Freya looks beautiful in her yellow sun dress!
    ~ The Bunch

  5. We MUST LiveStrong for us and for those who have fought the good fight and lost to this miserable disease. Today we honor those who have lost their battle, those who are fighting their battle and those who have fought and won! They are all our HEROES!

    Today we stand tall with all of the LiveStrong participants. Together we WILL find a cure in our lifetime!

  6. It's wonderful to see so many CBers going yellow today! Freya's sundress is purrfect.

    Today and always, we're sending purrs, healing Light and universal Blessings to All Beings who have been affected by this terrible disease.

  7. Beautiful post and Freya is especially beautiful today.

  8. We purr for all of those we have lost to cancer and for those who still fight it! LiveStrong!
