Friday, September 24, 2010

The kittens are 6 months old today!!! Party time, and you're invited!!!

We're 6 months old today!!!  We'd love you to help us celebrate!
 Heimdall's bringing his favorite new toy to the party!

 He also really likes this one, can you tell?

 Freya:  Hey, I was playing with this, brother!

I'd better stick it in Daddy's shoe so my brother won't take off with it.

But, now, on with our party!  Join in using the comments if you'd like to come celebrate with us!

We even brought plenty of nip for everyone!  ;)


  1. Happy 6-month birthday to you all! What a pawsome party, thanks for inviting us!

  2. I am always up for a party! Happy 6 months!

  3. Oh, a nip party, we're always up for one of those. Happy 6 month (or halfway to adulthood) purrthday!

  4. Woohoo! Happy six-month birthday to you both! And a nip party to celebrate? We are totally there! :)

  5. When I saw you two were wearing tuxes, I thought it was going to be a formal affair. But thank cod, I can see by the video it's just a casual nip bash! So yay, I don't have to drag out my fancy fluff!

  6. Happy 6 month birthday, you two!! This is a fun party!! Whoohoo!

  7. Happy 6 months to you. Wow! A nip party. We're up for that.

  8. ah 6 months, a very very good age to be. happy half birthday to you!

  9. Happy Birthday!

    Loved the movie!

    Sorry I'm way late, but ya got any leftovers? ;-D
