Saturday, June 6, 2009

PhotoHunt: Advertisement

Mommy has a Zazzle and a CafePress store with products from her photographs. So, here are a few favorites from the Zazzle store, featuring us kitties!


  1. What cute kitties... hopefully the one in the middle will be loved by someone and will not have to have babies in the wild. We have six cats and a dog... all loved much. Half are rescue as is the dog. Great products! My hunt is up here.

  2. The little grey kitten, Smokey, was socialized and adopted to a friend of mine. She's now a year old and doing well. :)

  3. I'm not a cat person but these photos are cute. Great Photos. Happy PH!

    Mine is here -> Mariposa's PhotoHunt

  4. Happy Birthday to Carbon!!!!
