Tuesday, June 16, 2009

OMC, we won!

Skylar writes:

Our family won the overnight stay for one cat at the Pet Smart Hotel! The one that's the prize from Skeezix's/Catster's/The Cat's Meow contest for the travel series!

Now, to decide who gets to use it. What, Mom, you say we might all get a vacation stay? But there's only one free one. *looks confused* Oh, you'd pay for the rest of us? You have to talk with Dad first? Ok!

Mom says she and Dad might go to the beach overnight sometime and have us stay at the pet hotel.


  1. Wow! That's purrty cool!!! Congratulations!

  2. concatulations on yer win!!! hope that plan turns out (all of you at the hotel, we mean).

    an' happy purrthday to tabby--we hopes you gets lotsa treats an' a fun stroll. may you haf many happy, healthy returns of the day!

  3. Concatulations on that super prize!!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  4. Awesome! I hope that you have fun! Tell us how the PetSmart hotel is, because Melvin may have to go there when we fly across country to visit family in Oregon.

  5. Wowie!! Wowie!! Congratulations!! You guys are going to have a cool stay!!
    Your FL furiends,
