Thursday, May 14, 2009

Little Bit's announcement

Little Bit writes:

I'm going to be a mommy! When I was visiting the green house, I was held in place by the lady. I screamed about it, because I didn't want her to touch my baby (or babies), but she held me anyway. She wasn't hurting my baby, and I know she just wanted to see if I was preggie, but I just didn't want her to keep me from eating and relaxing inside. After a minute or so of just resting her hands around my bulge, she felt a heartbeat and two kicks! Then she felt what she thinks was the baby's head against her hand! So my baby kitten has at least two paws and a head that are moving around. I hope it's fully formed with all four paws! The lady thinks that I will be a good mommy to my kittens. She just hopes my people will not let them run wild like they let my sisters and me when we were kittens (and still let me do). She hopes that the people will adopt the kittens out or let them be fostered, instead of keeping them. My people still have no intention of spaying me or my mommy Boo-Boo Kitty.

I hope that my kittens will live, and will know kind humans.


  1. Wow a mommy congrats. My people made sure I won't be a mommy. They had me fixed. Plus I am only an indoor kitty. And my housemate is also fixed. Good luck with the new babies.

  2. Little Bit, we hope your people take very good care of you while you're pregnant and nursing, and that your babies are born safe and sound.

  3. Little Bit, best of luck to you and your babies! We know you will be a good mommy. We hope good homes can be found for you babies!

  4. Concatulayshuns, Little Bit. I'll bet you's find good home fur all yours babies, iffen you's don't end up keeping 'em.
    Love & Purrs,

  5. Good luck. It is too bad your people won't spay you so you don't have to keep having babies all the time.

  6. Concatulation Little Bit...sure hope yoor beans is good to yoo while yoo is growing dem babies and to da babies after dey is borned. We know dat da lady, da one dat was checking on dem, will help any way she can.
