Monday, April 13, 2009

Preparing for the inevitable :(

Skylar writes:

Mom and Dad have been watching me really closely since I begged Dad to adopt Starla. From what they've seen, they think I'm preparing the household for my death. They saw this with Lydia when she passed, too.

1. I told Dad to adopt Starla.
2. I've taken myself out of the daily household activities and am spending my days snuggling with Dad or on the bed sleeping.
3. I am not vocal at all, even in situations when I would shout (think Siamese!), but now I don't even make any sound.
4. I am teaching Starla how to snuggle and observing her interactions with Mom and Dad, so basically teaching her to fulfill my role in the household.
5. All the other cats come check up on me throughout the day, and Rori monitors my every move, even walking with me wherever I go.
6. My body processes are slowing down. I'm not taking in much of what I'm eating, and my poops are kitten-sized. I'm rapidly losing weight. I fall over sometimes when I walk. Some days, I can't jump up to the couch and wait until Dad or Mom picks me up to set me on the couch.

Mom and Dad think I have 2-3 months left. All tests come back normal; we think it's "just" old age and the pain of not having my littermate sister around. I've been fading since her death in October.


  1. Oh goodness, we sure are sorry to hear this. Skylar, we are purring and purraying for you!

  2. Skylar, we are so sorry to hear this. You are being such a brave kitty. Purrs and purryaers for you and family.

  3. We're sorry to hear this Skylar, maybe yoo'll pick up as spring progresses...maybe not. Guess it's all up to yoo and if yoo want to be with yoor sisfur den der is nothing anyone can do. We'll be purring fur ya and yoor fambly.

  4. We are praying for you Skylar, you are such a good boy.

  5. Don't give up hope, Skylar! We're purring for you:)

  6. Skylar, we hope whatever time you have left here is happy...we're purring for you....

  7. Don't give up Skylar! I'm purring for you...I hope that you are wrong...

  8. we is gonna send comforting purrs for you and your family while you wait till it is time to go to the bridge. broken hearts can make a kitty, woofie or efen a bean go to the bridge. if your feels your time is soon we is gonna purray that you wont be hurtin any. sendin lots of purrs & purrayers.


  9. oh no! my heart hurts for you. not eing able to walk is scary, we had a cat sick do that and maw cried so much. but hang in there, please. keep getting lots of love and snuggles and warmth. try to buddy. we love you.

  10. Skylar, you are such a sweetie to want to prepare your fur siblings to take care of your family...we are hoping that as it gets warmer and sunnier, that will perk you up and you'll be around longer that you would imagine!

  11. Skylar, we are sending you and your family big purrs and cuddles.

  12. We're thinking of you Skylar... Maybe if you get some more sunshine on your face you'll perk up. Jake was dragging in Feb. but he's feeling a lot better now that the weather is nicer out.

  13. We are purring for you Skylar. If you are getting ready to go to the Bridge, we hope your remaining time is happy and full of cuddles.
