Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A new puffy? *hopeful eyes looking up at Mommy and Daddy hopefully*

Carbon & Rori:
Please, please? Can we have a new puffy? A new sparkle ball?

Carbon really didn't mean to throw our red one in the litter box yesterday!

Honestly! I just was playing baseball with it and didn't catch it! I really didn't mean for it to land in there!

Carbon & Rori:
We're very sad you had to throw it away. So please may we have another one to play with?

Yes, we'll get you another one.

Carbon & Rori:
Yay! *dash around the house chasing each other and Tabby joins in the fun after a minute, while Skylar and Starla watch*


  1. New puffy toy to play with, that's great.

  2. Hooray! We have also accidentally thrown balls in the litterbox, it's great news when you get a new one:)

  3. We loose a lot of those little puffy balls and sparkly balls. I hate it when I loose a good one.

  4. we like to put ours in our water bowl. see if mice can swim is all. they cannot. well, at least the silk ones.

  5. We can't have da fluffy balls, or toys, cuz the dumbmer dog eats them. We do however have a hocky puck (drain plug) in da bath tub.


  6. Well I guess that's ONE way to get a new toy! Way to be creative!
