Friday, April 3, 2009

Feral Friday by the Trailer Kitties

Food bowl rollcall:

Little Bit, Boo-Boo Kitty, Outdoor Fluffy Buddy, Shadow, Spongebob, Orange-head Kitty, Tom Kitty, baby possum, raccoon.

Our big surprise this week was the return of baby possum. You can read our post from Tuesday about that. The lady also observed Tom Kitty licking Orange-head Kitty's ear while OHK was screaming about it (both unfixed males)!

The lady sold 20 pins this week: 10 of Baby Chiba and 10 of Shadow.


  1. That's great about the pins she sold. They are very cute. We bookmarked the button site.

  2. Great buttons. Bookmarked the site for later purchases! I have a house and shelter full of ferals and definitely believe in TNR!
